Serving the Underserved
\”It\’s not just the food that feeds us but the kindness behind it \” – diner at Grace Diner
a tax exempt, 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization
EIN# 46-5058093
Donate Now!
- Donate any amount through our website with a credit/debit card or PayPal account. Donations may also be dedicated In Honor of... or In Memory of on the form below. *
- To donate in-kind gifts, (food, desserts, gift cards, clothing, flatware, dishtowels, dish soap, sponges, lemonade, coffee, aprons, etc.), please contact Lisa Skelley, at , or call310-382-2273.
- Please send donations of cash or checks to Grace Diner, c/o Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church, 4427 Overland Ave., Culver City, CA 90230 and include your address or email address if you would like to receive a receipt. Checks made out to Grace Diner, will be gratefully accepted.
* Please use the Donate Now form below for credit/debit card, or Paypal donations. A receipt for your donation will be supplied.

All 2017 donors who contribute $150 or more in a single year will be listed below, unless we receive a request to remain anonymous.
- Kathleen D. Bates
- Jennifer and Leighton Carter
- Culver City Exchange Club
- Rebecca Engel
- Max & Linda Hanna
- Sherri O\’Daniel
- Diana Kirkpatrick & John Riemer
- Ken Smith
- Nancy Watson
- Wehbi family
In Honor of
- Daniel and Pamela Farrier
by Jake and Joan Jakubowski - Trisha Robinson
by HeArt Realtors - Doug Weed & Jody Mitchell
by Max & Linda Hanna
In Memory of
- Charlie Bader by
by Joan B. Poliak